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How to Strip a Contractor in the CRM in the event they want a refund, decide not to continue on with our program, or is rejected from our program?
You will log into the CRM and search the client. Once you pull the clients profile, click the “Tags” tab and you will REMOVE all tags EXCEPT CONTRACT TERM. You will add the Behavior tag that says “Refund Processed Full”.
If we are giving a discount or doing a Partial rerfund for any legitimate reason, you will select the Behavior tags that says “Refund Processed Partial”
If a client is denied a refund for exceeding our 7 day refund policy and no longer wants to be with our program, you will select the behavior tag that says “Refund: Denied Removed”.
If a contractor is rejected from our program due to violationg their contract and our policy or there being very extreme conditions that can not be resolved, you will select the Lead Score tag and select “Rejected From Program”.